Enterprise Insurance Company (EIC) has hinted that it will soon extend the “Same Day Claim Payment” service to other parts of the country.
Speaking at the company’s webinar on ‘Insurance Claims Process: A focus on Motor Insurance’ on Friday October 1, 2021, the Head of Same Day Claims- Bernice Davis said, the company is aware of the demand of the service by clients in the other regions and its working on establishing units purposely to handle the service in identified regions.
There have been numerous requests for the services and we have identified some regions to extend the same day claim payment service there,” she noted.
Bernice Davies, explained that the “Same Day Claim Payment” service has demystified claim settlement and payment by letting its customers and stakeholders know what is required to make a minor motor claim.
She added, the service demonstrates the financial robustness and readiness of the company to meet the needs, safety and expectations of its customers.
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Enterprise Insurance introduced the Same Day Claim payment policy in 2018 to cover the minor repairs for motorists particularly in capital Accra.
The move, which aims at improving the claims practice in the insurance sector accounts for about 65 percent of motor claims lodged by clients of EIC and it facilitates the payment of claims of vehicles involved in minor incidents on the same day of the road accident.
Insured vehicles with broken windscreens, damaged bumpers, broken head or tail lights as well as dents will be required to present their repair estimates for their claims to be processed and paid.
The Senior Quality Assurance Manager- EIC, Michael Larbi, on his part re-echoed the company’s superiority in the industry saying that the company is rated number one for prompt payment of insurance claims thereby making it the preferred insurance company in the country.
Our ability to honour insurance claims promptly and the introduction of the same day motor insurance claims have made us the preferred choice,” he stressed.
Enterprise Insurance is a leading insurer in Fire, Marine, Motor, General Accident & Specialized Insurance solutions. The company is independently rated AA for its financial strength and claims paying ability by the GCR of South Africa.
Under Motor Insurance, EIC has the following covers; Third Party only, Third Party Fire & Theft, and Comprehensive and recently Third Party Amplified which offers customers on the third party only or Third-Party Fire & Theft policy, the opportunity to get a cover for three specific areas of their vehicles, namely: windscreen, side-mirrors, and minor scratches at an affordable price.
Source: Kofi Ahovi