Sunon Asogli ranked 1st among 5 shortlisted firms bidding for construction of 350MW power plant in Cameroon
Independent Power Producer, Sunon Asogli Power Limited has been shortlisted among five companies by the Cameroonian government to bid for the construction of 350 megawatts of electricity plant in the Central African country.
In a communique from the Ministry of Energy and Water sighted by Joy Business, the shortlisted companies had obtained scores of more than 80% to bid for the restricted international tender to select a partner for the design, construction and operation in “Build Operate and Transfer” (BOT) mode of the Limbe gas-fired power plant (350MW) and related power lines.
In actual fact, Sunon Asogli was ranked 1st among the five shortlisted companies, in terms of the quality of documents submitted.
According to the statement, the managers of the shortlisted companies have been invited to contact the cabinet of the Ministry of Energy and Water for further procedure.
On the other hand companies that have not been selected are requested to collect their bids from the Cabinet of the Minister of Energy and Water within 15 days of the publication of the press release”, the statement pointed out.
The statement added that bids that are not withdrawn after the 15 days period will be destroyed.
Sunon Asogli will bid with the China Energy Engineering Corporation Limited.
Other companies shortlisted are Folder Energy Partners Limited/China Machinery Engineering Corporation, Power Construction Limited of China Limited, ACWA Power and AKSA ENERJI URETIM AS.