Networking Session For Women In Poultry Value Chain Actors With Sponsorship From Star Ghana Foundation


The Apex Body of Women In Poultry Value Chain (WIPVaC-Apex Ghana) has launched three new Regional Chapters in Savannah, North East and Eastern regions respectively.

The launch was held during a Networking Session sponsored by Star Ghana Foundation and was geared towards linking the various poultry value chain actors so as to revamp the poultry industry.

The occasion had in attendance Key Stakeholders, Community members, Poultry Farmers, Egg Sellers, Aggregators etc.

The theme for the launch was “Breaking the New Grounds to Revamp the Poultry Industry in Ghana-the role of value chain actors”.

The objectives of the programme were to:

  • Inaugurate and launch new Regional Chapters
  • Link the various chain actors in the poultry industry so as to improve upon the poultry business in Ghana.
  • Address the challenges confronting the poultry farmers
WIPVaC-Apex, Star Ghana Foundation
Launching of WIPVaC-Apex North East Regional Chapter, Walewale

In an address by the National President of WIPVaC-Apex Ghana, Dr. Victoria Norgbey, she highlighted the importance of the launch and the need to come together under one umbrella in order to revamp the industry.

The stakeholders addressed the poultry farmers on the need to practice biosecurity on their farmland, so as to prevent the spread of diseases and increase yield to reduce the importation of poultry products into the country.

An increase in poultry production would increase government revenue through exportation to other countries.

WIPVaC-Apex, Star Ghana Foundation
Key Stakeholder address during launching in Eastern region, Nkawkaw

The poultry farmers were also given the platform to talk about the challenges they face in the poultry business. Various ideas and suggestion were raised on how to revamp and improve the poultry farming in the country.

Ibrahim Salifu, Damongo – Women empowerment in the area of agriculture needs special attention, so as to boost our agriculture production. Empowering the women through agriculture workshop/ training will increase their knowledge in the area of agriculture, which will go a long way to maximize production. The launch of the Damango WIPVaC-Apex Chapter is good project which needs to be embraced by the women in other to enlarge their poultry farm business.

WIPVaC-Apex, Star Ghana Foundation
Ibrahim Salifu, making a remark at the Damango

Dr. Mark Owusu (Veterinary Doctor, Nkawkaw)

This Association is a complete organization which every actor involved in the value chain must be part. We should avoid entertaining old egg crates from our customers which brings diseases to our farms. I encourage you all to stay united so we can learn together.

WIPVaC-Apex, Star Ghana Foundation
Inaugurated Executives of Walewale WIPVaC – Apex Chapter

Scholastica Atarah, Walewale

The North East Region can boost of many agricultural activities but does not have any association for farmers to represent them at the National level, so we are very happy to be part of the launching of the WIPVaC-Apex in Walewale. We entreat the women to hold fast on the Association so as to empower them to higher height in the area of agriculture. We also ask the District Director of Agricultural to provide financial support to the women in the poultry value chain so as to improve poultry production to maximize revenue for the country.

WIPVaC-Apex, Star Ghana Foundation
Inaugurated Executives of Damango WIPVaC – Apex Chapter

 ASP. Samuel Ampofo (Police Commander, Nkawkaw)

We are also on ground to apprehend all perpetrators who destroy and temper with the activities of our poultry farmers. We are in constant communication with the Agric Director here, and so any information available would be relay to you.

Congratulations on the birth of WIPVaC-Apex Chapter in Nkawkaw.

WIPVaC-Apex, Star Ghana Foundation
Inaugurated Executives of Nkawkaw WIPVaC – Apex Chapter

As part of the launching, the new Regional Executives for the various Chapters were outdoored and inaugurated. These Executives were to steer the affairs of the Association in their regions and be the mouthpiece for the group within their Districts.

WIPVaC-Apex, Star Ghana Foundation
Inaugurated Executives of Egg Sellers Association of Ghana

Also on this occasion, the newly elected National Executives of the Egg Sellers Association of Ghana (ESAG) were inaugurated.

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