NEITI says Nigeria lost $2.77 billion to oil theft in 2019


The Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI) in its latest report has revealed that Nigeria lost 42.25 million barrels of crude oil valued at $2.77 billion to oil theft in 2019.

The 2019 report contains information from 98 organizations which includes 88 oil and gas companies, 9 government agencies and the Nigerian Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG) Company.

The disclosure is contained in the report on oil and gas presented to the media and civil society organizations by George Abiye, the Assistant Director, Oil and Gas, NEITI, on Tuesday, July 13, 2021, in Lagos, according to a report by the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

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According to the report, Nigeria earned $34.22 billion from the oil and gas sector in 2019, a 4.88% increase over the $32.63 billion realized in 2018.

NEITI in its report said that Nigeria could have earned more revenue if not for crude oil losses due to metering error, theft and sabotage in the year under review.
The report, however, noted that at 21%, the loss was 11.03% lower than that recorded in 2018, which was 53.28 million barrels.

It also stated that the losses were incurred by companies that conveyed crude volumes through pipelines that were easily compromised by saboteurs.

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