Ghana Rugby Opens Stakeholder Participation To The World


The Ghana Rugby Football Union (Ghana Rugby) will be having its 2020 Ghana Rugby Stakeholder Congress (GRSC) on 22 February 2020 in Accra, Ghana.

Representatives of all stakeholders including Regional Associations and their members, the Clubs, GRUPA (Ghana Rugby Union Players Association), officials, administrators and others have been invited to the GRSC that follows the Special General Meeting (SGM) on 4 February 2020 where a new Board was elected.

According to the President and Board Chairman of Ghana Rugby, Herbert Mensah, the SGM was an important event in light of a dramatically changed and continuously changing environment that will place enormous pressure on the resources of Ghana Rugby.

According to Mensah, the Union will be facing:

– Increased and tougher participation in international Rugby Africa Tournaments,

– Increase in the number of domestic competitions,

– Expansion of “Women in Ghana Rugby”.

– Dramatic expansion in youth development through the World Rugby “Get Into Rugby” programme,

– More intensive and extensive training and education of coaches, match officials and medical officers, and

– Increased demand on governance and administration.

Mensah continued to say, “Because it is just not logistically possible to invite all our stakeholders to take part at the 22 November GRSC, the Ghana Rugby Board has created a mechanism whereby anybody can take part by posting a question, suggestion or even a complaint.

We are therefore inviting our thousands of social media followers, all players and all other stakeholders to have their say.

Ghana Rugby will study all inputs and if feasible, share the feedback at the Congress and/or publish an answer or comment on every input we have received.

This is your opportunity to have your say. Please make use of it!”

The opportunity for participation has been created whereby anybody who wants to pose a question or suggestion can do so by completing an online Google Form.

Mensah said that all inputs will be considered as valuable contributions that will guide his administration to come up with a new Blueprint for Ghana Rugby.

“We did the same in 2014 when I got involved with Ghana Rugby, and the resulting Blueprint from them guided us to achieve an enormous lot in a very short space of time. The time has come that we re-look that Blueprint and that we adapt our strategies and plans if necessary. To do that effectively we need the inputs of those who have a stake in Ghana Rugby,” Mensah said

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