Fountain of Life Assemblies of God Marks Youth Ministry Day


The atmosphere was electric! And amidst high explosive praise songs, members of the Fountain of Life Assemblies of God (FOLAG), Manhean-tiGo Pole could not help but dance and offer tons of praises and thanks to God for His mercies.

The occasion was the climax of the week-long activities of the FOLAG Youth Ministry Day celebration held on Sunday, July 9, 2023, at the church’s auditorium.

As it has been the practice in commemorating such days, the FOLAG Youth Ministry organised revival services from Monday, June 3 – Friday, June 7, 2023.

The Speaker throughout the revival period was the Head Pastor of the Church, Reverend Felix Kwaku Delali Demebu, and he spoke on the need for Christians to live holy lives.

The Assemblies of God (A/G) Youth Ministry Day is a programme organised annually to spark the desire of the youth in the church, and to also help win more youth for Christ.

The programme was interspersed with a drama on holiness, a choreography and very powerful song ministrations by the FOLAG Youth Ministry Choir.

The Head Pastor of FOLAG, Rev Demebu, delivering a sermon on the theme; “Shifting, Growing and Transforming into Holiness,” from Ecclesiastes Chapters 11 versus 9-10 and 12 versus 1-2, underscored that Assemblies of God, Ghana has reached a point where it is admonishing members to live holy for God.

He explained that the above was one of the reasons Assemblies of God, Ghana is encouraging the local churches to move the youth meeting to youth service.

He entreated the youth in the church to always have a pure heart and uphold holiness, pointing out that “God is holy.”

As a Christian youth, you must have a pure heart before God, for your joy to be accepted by heaven,” he said.

He, however, made a passionate appeal to the youth not to be influenced by the “joy of the world.”

Rev Demebu noted that revival for holiness did not mean there will be no challenges, but stressed that transforming into holiness will trigger revival.

He indicated that there are four basic principles that Christians must observe in order to shift, grow and transform into holiness.

These, he disclosed, were having a pure heart, controlling, disciplining one’s eyes and body; being conscious of judgement day, and; more importantly, understanding that youthfulness is but for a short period.

Don’t waste your life in your youthful days, but rather use those to serve God,” he advised.

The man of God also cautioned the youth to be mindful of the kind of lifestyles they live bearing in mind that “we will one day be judged by God.”

He said it was regrettable that some Christians live their lives as if there is no judgement day.

Earlier, the Pastorate and Youth Pastor of FOLAG Youth Ministry, Pastor Allswell Nii Akrashie, thanked members of both the Women’s and Men’s Ministries for actively participating in their activities.

The leadership of the youth ministry also used the occasion to present awards to church members who supported their activities.

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