Trailblazing with Grace: An Interview with Yvonne, C.O.O of Bedrock Insurance on Her Journey through Leadership and Empowerment in the Insurance Industry

I am Yvonne Osei-Addo, a woman who could best be described as the epitome of energy, charm, and positive spirit. As the C.O.O of Bedrock Insurance and Vice President of the Chartered Insurance Institute of Ghana (CIIG), I find myself living a life interwoven with passion and purpose. My journey began in the insurance industry quite unexpectedly, right after I completed my National Service, with a mathematics degree from the University of Cape Coast securely in my grasp. Away from professional commitments, I am a mother, a dancer at heart, finding solace in the joyous company of my children, loved ones and the rhythmic escape of dance.

Interviewer: Can you walk us through your Career Journey?

Yvonne: As I said, my career journey began unexpectedly after my national service, I started with a tutor role at Accra Girls Senior High School, before joining Donewell insurance quite unexpectedly. It all started with a conversation with my uncle who introduced me to Actuarial Science and Insurance, guiding me towards the latter. Initially, I stepped into a role carved out of mere chance, with no vacancy but a contract born from a fruitful interaction with the Human Resource Manager at Donewell, and then I landed a permanent role by 2011. My journey saw the highs and lows, but it was at Donewell that I truly learned the essence of giving your all, amidst the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Transitioning to Allianz Insurance in 2019 was a leap into a broader horizon, especially with the broker-led nature of the insurance market, enriching my experiences and pushing me to co-head the broker department before stepping into the shoes of a senior underwriter. My leadership journey did not stop there; through my mentor’s encouragement, I took up the role of COO at Bedrock Insurance. Beyond the professional roles, my engagement with C.I.I.G, progressing from a general secretary to an executive and now, vice president, has truly honed my understanding of leadership and growth.

Interviewer: Leadership style?

Yvonne: As for my leadership style, I resonate with the democratic approach. I thrive in an environment where ideas can flow freely, where every voice is valued. However, it is underpinned by a firmness or if you will, a strictness that drives my team towards realizing their fullest potential. My journey has taught me the value of support, of being pushed towards excellence as I strive to be that catalyst for my staff.

Interviewer: What are your strategies for overcoming barriers and achieving success?

Yvonne: Facing the dynamics at Bedrock Insurance, I confront the challenge of guiding a youthful team through the intricacies of the insurance landscape, striving against the legacy of centennial companies. Our solution has been the inception of in-house training sessions, transforming every Friday into a session for growth and understanding. On a personal front, I juggle the misconceptions surrounding leadership proximity; I believe in maintaining my essence, in balancing seriousness with approachability, ensuring I remain true to myself while fulfilling the demands of my role. The support from the industry has been a cornerstone of my growth, a testament to the collective spirit that propels me forward.

Interviewer: What are your perspectives on gender equality and empowerment in the workplace?

Yvonne: The insurance industry in my opinion is not gender biased. It is a field where your merit carves your path. My journey through C.I.I.G revealed the spectrum of opportunities that await those willing to step forward. I urge women to shatter the glass ceiling of passivity, to showcase their capabilities beyond the domestic front. It is about making your presence known, for the industry is ripe with opportunities for those who dare to reach. There are women groups in the insurance industry and every woman in the sector should belong to any of them. These groups give us the necessary footing like training, lectures, and discourses. These intellectual engagements shape our career paths.

Interviewer: How can organizations and leaders better support the advancement of women in the insurance industry?

Yvonne: To uplift women in our field, the blueprint lies in fostering diversity and inclusivity, through awareness programs on unconscious biases and promoting cultural competence. Leadership opportunities tailored for women, alongside flexible work arrangements, can significantly contribute to a more balanced and supportive work environment. An intentional quota for women’s representation when hiring can also pave the path for equitable advancement.

Personal Motivations and Values

Interviewer: what motivates you to pursue excellence in your career?

Yvonne: What drives me is a deep-seated passion for the insurance industry and the unwavering desire to make a tangible difference. I envisage a future where every Ghanaian recognizes the protective shield of insurance. My family stands as my pillar, propelling me to strive for excellence in my career, and of course some incredibly supportive ladies I have in my corner, cheering me on.

Honesty and integrity are the cornerstones of my values, alongside the power of building meaningful relationships, which my natural buoyancy tends to foster effortlessly.

Interviewer: What are your aspirations and goals for the future, both professionally and personally?

Yvonne: On a personal front, I dream of early retirement, but professionally, my ambitions know no bounds. From aspiring to become a CEO, a mentor, to serving on boards, and perhaps, stepping into the role of the C.I.I.G president, or Insurance Commissioner in the near future. I want to be a transformative figure.

This initiative is brought to you by GIZ’s Support to the Private and Financial Sector (PFS) programme. These interview series aims to empower young women in finance, promote gender equality and inclusivity, and encourage women to pursue leadership roles in their workplaces. The interviewer for this initiative is – Fatima Gberbie, Communications Specialist with PFS-GIZ Ghana.

Bedrock InsuranceGiZIWDYvonne Osei-Addo
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