SIM re-registration: MTN to increase mobile teams to curb long queues at service centres

SIM re-registration: MTN to increase mobile teams to curb long queues at service centres

MTN Ghana to rollout measures including increasing its mobile teams across the country to help decongest its Service Centres to for the ongoing SIM re-registration exercise.

The re-registration of SIM cards with the Ghana Card commenced in October 2021 and expected to continue to the end of March 2022.

Ghanaians are asked to re-register their SIM card with the Ghana Card or have it become dormant after the end of the deadline.

In the last few weeks, Service Centers of the various network providers have been flooded with thousands of Ghanaians trooping in on daily basis to have their SIM cards re-registered.

Amid the inconveniences, MTN Ghana decided to deploy mobile teams into the communities across the country to help decongest its Service Centres.

Addressing journalist through a virtual media briefing on Thursday, January 6, 2022, Abubakar Mohammed, General Manager, Regional Sales & Distribution Southern Ghana for MTN Ghana said, “Going forward, to decongest we will have almost 200 community activations happening across the country and at the same time we will have the mobile teams that will also be going to the institutions to support them with the reregistration exercise.”

Read also: MTN Ghana readies 1,322 sites for 5G

Abubakar Mohammed continued, “We also have in plan to increase our devices to support the activations. So all these put together we believe we will be able to decongest our service Centres and also help customers.”

For customers to help MTN Ghana smoothen the process even more, Ghanaians who are yet to re-register their SIM cards are encouraged to finish with the first step of the process before visiting the service centres or any of the mobile activation points.

Customers can do that by dialing *404# and following the prompt to link their numbers with the Ghana Card to generate the unique code needed to finalise the re-registration.

mobile teams service centresMTNSIM re-registration
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