President of Women in Poultry Value Chain receives honorary doctorate

President of Women in Poultry Value Chain receives honorary doctorate

The president of the Women in Poultry Value Chain and the CEO of Global Women Development Promoters (GLOWDEP), Victoria Norgbey has been awarded honorary doctorate in Public Administration by the Geofidel Executive Education-London in partnership with Stratford University.

The award is in recognition of her contribution to the development of agribusiness and girl child empowerment in the country.

President, women, poultry value chain, honorary doctorate

Presenting the doctorate certificate to her, the executive director of Geofidel said “your astuteness, professionalism and scholarly appreciation and discussion of issues make you an appropriate recipient of such honour. The short period I encountered you at the GAPFA Secretariat left an indelible impression on me on your compassion, understanding and willingness to help in anyway possible”. Congratulations Dr. God bless you, he added.

Read also: Women in Poultry Value Chain supports female prisons across Ghana

Receiving the award, Norgbey pledged to lead the agricultural and girl child space to develop innovative paradigms to facilitate change in behaviour and attitude for progress.

Norgbey, who was part of 10 participants from the Kenya, Nigeria and Ghana to receive the honours, thanked The GLDI for what she described as an “extraordinary honour.”

The honour done me today gives me renewed zeal and vitality to work harder in the quest to contributing significantly towards the creation of effective interventions, in the global efforts of making this world a better place for us all,” she said.

Norgbey received the awards after a one-week global leadership masterclass and awards for West Africa CEOs of public and private sectors and senior management executives in Ghana on Thursday August 19, 2021. The training was on the theme: to encourage West Africa Leaders and captains of industries to provide the right leadership for West Africa emancipation through training and development.

Victoria Norgbey is an Educationist, Agriculturist, a Gender Expert and a Leadership icon. She holds an Executive Master’s degree in Governance and Leadership from the Graduate School of Governance and Leadership, GIMPA, Accra, Ghana. She also holds a BSc. (honours) degree in General Agriculture from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana with Diploma in Education (Professional teacher).

Victoria specialized in Poultry Production and Feed Milling Technology from Barneveld College in the Netherlands. She is also a product of Kansa States University, USA in Feed production and Management. Victoria has work experience in Gender issues that cuts across the country and beyond the Africa Region as well Asia. She has worked in areas of Gender mainstreaming in development programmes in Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Liberia, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia and Bangladesh since 2012.

President, women, poultry value chain, honorary doctorate

She was a member of the Coordinating Committee of the African Minister’s Council on Water (AMCOW) that planned the 6th World Water Forum that took place in Marseille, France in March 2012. She specifically participated in preparing the Gender Strategy and Policy in the Water Sector for the Africa region.

The dynamism and complex changes in the business environment has brought about the need for effective management. Effective leadership is key survival in business, given the 21st century challenges.

The course was therefore designed to explore the demands of leadership and the skills required to lead effectively and to take the participants from the personal dimensions of their leadership style and capability through to the organizational dimensions of innovation and strategy and shaping corporate culture.

At the end of this programme, participants are expected to develop the requisite leadership attributes, apply appropriate leadership style suitable to the organization, lead people in the organization effectively and lead the organization for result.

Read also: Women in Poultry lobby for implementation of ECOWAS veterinary protocol on livestock

The course outline includes but not limited to the following;

  • Successful Leadership in Modern Organisation: An Overview
  • Leadership and Effective Decision Making
  • Team Building and Leadership
  • Leadership and Accountability
  • Managing Organisational Change
  • Issues in Leadership
  • Performance Appraisal
  • Evaluating self-Leadership Style
  • Strategic Leadership
  • Innovation and Creativity in Leadership
  • The Ethics and Skills of Leadership
  • Approaches to Leadership
  • Leading for Result in the Organization

Geofidel is a United Kingdom licensed world-class executive education, business, institution, leadership, community development and gender-focused training organization with offices in London, UK and Abuja Nigeria. Its vision is to be a leading International Human Capital Engineering Firm rendering solutions to public and private sectors.

To create, deploy and maintain world-class business, leadership and management solutions aligned to global best practices through dynamic, aggressive and creative market place innovation that will deliver superior customer service

honorary doctoratepoultry value chainPresidentWomen
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