Oxford Business Group, Ascoma to team up for new focus report on governance, risk and compliance

A new focus report produced by Oxford Business Group (OBG), in partnership with the international brokerage network Groupe Ascoma, will explore the increased focus on compliance, transparency and ethical practices in the West and Central African markets as the region looks to attract investment for its economic development.

Titled “Governance, Risk and Compliance in West and Central Africa”, the focus report will provide in-depth analysis of key issues relating to insurance and reinsurance, against the broader regional socio-economic landscape, in an easy-to-navigate and accessible format, featuring essential data and infographics.

The report will shine a spotlight on the way that doing business is evolving across the region’s economies at a time when ECOWAS members are keen to source funding for a vast range of intra-continental and domestic infrastructure projects.

Subscribers will find detailed coverage of the key role that private sector players such as Ascoma are expected to play in driving change and instilling a culture of insurance and reinsurance across business communities by identifying risks common to the region and providing effective, tailored solutions to them.

The report will examine specific areas of the economy in which governance, risk and compliance (GRC) principles are being given added weight, including energy, infrastructure, mining and the financial services industry.

Business environments are changing globally on the back of new requirements from investors, with tighter regulations and greater transparency,” Bruzzone said. “Our research with Ascoma will plot the GRC trends that are gaining momentum regionally, while also highlighting the positive impact they could have on West and Central Africa’s potential as an investment destination.”

Read also: Accra ranked 10th Wealthiest African City

Governance Risk and Compliance in West and Central Africa” will form part of a series of tailored reports which OBG is currently producing with its partners, alongside other highly relevant, go-to research tools, including a range of country-specific Growth and Recovery Outlook articles and interviews.

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AscomacompliancegovernanceOxford Business Grouprisk
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