No controversy over W. G. Nartey’s funeral: Planned activities ongoing as schedule

The family of the renowned businessman and stateman, Wilson Gbli Nartey a.k.a. W. G. Nartey, has denied knowledge of any court injunction prohibiting them from organizing a befitting memorial and thanksgiving service to celebrate the life of their late father.

The family has therefore assured the general public that the memorial and thanksgiving service for the late W. G. Nartey is on schedule and currently ongoing; and with a climax on Saturday October 1, 2022.

The Family Head of the Nartey family, Numo Kabutey Nartey, explained in a statement that it has come to the notice of the family elders and children of W. G. Nartey that a certain Christopher Nartey has put out a notice and audio in the media that he has obtained an injunction to halt the “final funeral rite” of the late W.G. Nartey who died in 2019 and was buried shortly after.

According to him, the purported Press Release/Public announcement of September 28, 2022 was not authored by the Nartey Family nor the elders of the family.

He noted that, the promoter of the fake injunction, Christopher Nartey, is an imposter and does not have the authority nor the consent of the above esteemed groups to make any announcement on their behalf.

This announcement must be treated with the utmost disgust and disdain as it is calculated to bring dishonour and disrepute to the honour and dignity of our father. Christopher Nartey is not a son of W. G. Nartey, as a son will never disgrace his father in public nor the hand that has fed him in his nurturing years,” he urged.

“The Acting President of the Great Ningo Traditional Council; the Chiefs and the Paramount Chief of Ada and other well-meaning illustrious sons and daughters of Great Ningo, the diaspora and Ghana have supported the family and is organizing this Memorial and Thanksgiving Service with us. They have been present at our meetings and would never go against our concerted efforts as to give authority to such a bogus statement,” Numo Kabutey Nartey assured.

We cannot fathom what agenda or purpose this vendetta against our father is calculated to achieve. What did WG. Nartey do to him so bad that Christopher cannot allow him to rest in perfect peace?”, he asked?

The spokesperson explains that, as far as he is aware a case has been filed at the court and the purported date for the hearing is 10th October 2022. “So ostensibly an application is yet to be heard!”

Furthermore, if an application is yet to be heard, there cannot be at the same time a judgement that an injunction has been purportedly granted or obtained. Simply put, there is no order of a grant of injunction by any court. “There is no document of a grant of Injunction!”, he stressed.

This information being put out by Christopher that a purported Injunction has been granted to stop us giving thanks in memory of our father is a dastardly act calculated to throw dust into people’s eyes and create uncertainty.

“Our Memorial and Thanksgiving Service which is to Thank the Good Lord for the Life of our father is not a funeral but a gathering of the family and our friends to pray for and honour the memory of our father simpliciter”, he reiterated.

He added that unfortunately for Christopher the celebration has already started since Monday and it will continue till next week.

“My father died three years ago on 2nd September 2019. Due to the onset of COVID, we gave him a quiet private burial. So, he is already buried. We are holding this Thanksgiving and Memorial to bring closure,” he reiterated.

We, the Great Ningo Traditional Council, The Paramount chief of Great Ningo, the entire W. G. Nartey family and diaspora, the legal representation/estate of Mr. W. G. Nartey and the people of Great Ningo wish to remind all well-wishers, friends, dignitaries, invited guests and intended attendees that the planned W. G. Nartey’s Life Celebration at Great Ningo for the duration, Sept 26th through to October 4th is definitely on track,” he assured.

All arrangements, program schedule and order of services for a befitting event is coming on as originally planned.

G. Nartey, the most honored Statesman of Great Ningo has lived a full life. His relentless efforts to assist mankind is very appreciated by all.

He was businessman and owner of Modern Ghana Builders

Modern Ghana BuildersNingoW G Nartey
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