NanoLab Foundation sensitizes, donates face shields to market women

The NanoLab Foundation, a subsidiary of the NanoLab Corporation, a USA non-profit organization has sensitized and donated 2,000 face shields to members of the Ashaiman Market Women’s Association and Porters to help curb the spread of the Coronavirus.

The advent of the coronavirus pandemic has brought in its wake restrictions in the movement of goods and people as this poses a high risk of contracting the virus. Market places have been identified as ‘hot spots’ for the spread of the coronavirus due to the high number of people who frequently visit to sell or purchase food items. The donation is to encourage the market women and porters to use the face shields to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus which is now being understood to have the potential for airborne transmission.

Although it is mandatory in Ghana for people to wear face masks to public places including markets, this regulation is often flouted by vulnerable groups due to ignorance and their inability to procure face masks and face shields as a result of financial constraints. Particularly for poor market women and porters the restrictions could also limit their sales and income.

The NanoLab Foundation believes that the regular and religious use of the face shields together with face masks by the market women and porters who interact closely with buyers and visitors to the Ashaiman market will help to curb the spread of the coronavirus and ultimately preserve lives. More importantly, the use of face shields as a preventive measure will encourage buyers and as a result help improve sales and income of the market women and porters.

Dr. David Noye, Chairman of the NanoLab Foundation says;

The gesture is backed by Nanolab Foundation’s vision to help improve livelihoods.  We believe the donation and use of the face shields by the market women will contribute to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in Ghana and mitigate its negative impact on lives of underserved communities in particular and the economy in general.”

Madam Leticia Ayaaba, Leader of the Ashaiman Central Market Women’s Association who received the face shields on behalf of the members of the Association and the porters thanked the NanoLab Foundation for the kind gesture. She said, “The coronavirus pandemic is still with us. We need to be very conscious and take all the necessary precautions to protect ourselves and prevent the spread of the virus to others. We can do this by wearing the face shields religiously.”

Read also: ‘Let’s intensify education on COVID-19’

The Association is made up of over 2,000 members engaged in the bulk sale and retail of products comprising legumes and grains, roots and tubers, fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils, fish and meat,  alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, cosmetics, textiles, detergents and household items. Their activities are supported by over 300 male porters. 

NanoLab Corporation, a non-profit charity organization registered and operating in Georgia, USA since 2012.  The activities of NanoLab Foundation are exclusively for public benefit covering mainly development, health, education and scientific projects. These include student learning and skills improvement, healthy and improved livelihoods, employment and income generation, community improvement and disaster relief within and outside of the USA.

Ashiamanmarket womenNanolab Foundation
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