Morocco denounces disinformation campaign aiming to tarnish the Kingdom’s image in Africa

The Ghanaian nationals living currently in Morocco, 275 of whom are students, can testify to this unwavering commitment.

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco to Ghana has strongly debunked a fake video recently being insidiously circulated on some social media platforms, falsely alleging that Moroccan law enforcement has supposedly killed several hundred migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa.

In a statement released to all Ghanaian media houses, the Embassy emphasized the non-veracity of the video, stressing that it is inconceivable that an event of such magnitude could have taken place allegedly without being reported by credible international media agencies.

Indeed, given the seriousness of these allegations, major global news outlets, human rights organizations and observers would have immediately investigated and exposed the truth.

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco to Ghana is encouraging the general public to treat this disinformation campain designed to tarnish the image of Morocco and incite division among African nations, with the disregard and contempt it deserves.

The Embassy further highlights that Morocco, has always been and remains fully committed to strengthening its cooperation with African nations, based on mutual respect, cooperation, and shared prosperity. The Ghanaian nationals living currently in Morocco, 275 of whom are students, can testify to this unwavering commitment.

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco also informed the general public that it will engage with the Ghanaian authorities to investigate the origin of the video circulating and that it reserves its rights to seek legal action against individuals or entities behind this unscrupulous fake news campaign.

Source: GhanaNewsOnline

Denouncedisinformation campaignimage in AfricaKingdomMoroccotarnish
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