I’m very excited about the future of Africa – Kamala Harris

The vice president of the United States of America, Kamala Harris, could not hide her excitement when she landed in Accra, Ghana on Sunday to start her African tour.

She said she was looking forward to cementing further the “very important relationship and friendship between the people of the United States and those who live on the continent of Africa.”

Kamala told the enthusiastic crowd cheering her upon arrival at the Kotoka International Airport that, “I’m very excited about the future of Africa. I’m very excited about the impact of the future of Africa on the rest of the world, including the United States of America.”

The US vice president added, “When I look at what is happening on this continent and the fact that the median age is 19 years old and what that tells us about the growth of opportunity, of innovation and of possibilities, I see in all of that great opportunity, not only for the people of this continent but the people of the world.”

According to her, there is a lot of potential “especially when we understand that by the year 2050, we believe one in four people on earth will be on the continent of Africa.”

Kamala Harris said the partnership between the African continent, its people and the people of the United States “reinforces the work that we will continue to do together. Be that on addressing the climate crisis, to supply chains to our work together on international rules and norms.”

Particularly, she said on this trip she intends to do “work that is focused on increasing investments here on the continent and facilitating economic growth and opportunity specifically in the areas of economic empowerment of women and girls. Empowerment of youth. Entrepreneurship, digital inclusion, and supporting the work that must be done to increase food security, including adaptation to the effects of the climate crisis.”

Kamala Harris is looking forward to meetings with President Akufo-Addo to build on the previous meetings “to strengthen democracy and good governance, promote peace and security, build on long-term economic growth, and strengthen our business ties.”

The US vice president again said during her visit, she will meet “with entrepreneurs and artists and students and farmers to witness firsthand the extraordinary innovation and creativity that is occurring on this continent and inspiring the world.”

We have a lot of work ahead of us. And again, I’m so very excited to be here and I thank you all for the very warm welcome.”

GhanaKamala Harris
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