Hedge Pensions Trust introduces Pempamsie Fund to CLOGSAG

The Hedge Pensions Trust has introduced one of its schemes known as the Pempamsie Fund to members of Civil and Local Government Staff Association, Ghana (CLOGSAG) at a launching ceremony in Accra.

The Pempamsie Fund christened “Money Pickin Grow Pass Mother”, is also a 3rd Tier scheme managed and administered by Hedge Pensions Trust, a trustee licensed and regulated by the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA) to operate pension schemes for workers.

The Pempamsie Fund is a voluntary retirement pension plan that provides and secure retirement income for public sector workers across the country.

Isaac Bampoe Addo, the Executive Secretary of CLOGSAG in an address at the launch of the Fund said the introduction of the scheme to public sector workers is timely and pointed out that the policy will enable them to save adequately towards their retirement.

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According to him, the Fund will consequently allow workers to access their pension fund prior to their retirement and therefore urged all to take advantage of the Fund to secure their income security while on retirement.

A former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of National Pension Regulatory Authority (NPRA), Dr Kofi Anokye Owusu-Darko said every contributor to the Pempamsie Fund is guaranteed higher returns and will also add financial value to the lives of workers during their retirement.

Public sector workers’ retirement package are not enough therefore I challenged all to be part of the Pempamsie Fund to prepare workers adequately in their financial investments in the future”, he said.

The President of CLOGSAG, Dr Evans Dzikum, on his part urged workers to plan their retirement properly, adding that there are health challenges associated with old age thus workers must put in place financial pension plan to secure their retirement benefits for the rest of the lives.

A power point presentation by NPRA and Hedge Pensions Trust outlined a vivid insight on pension schemes challenging workers across the rank and file of public sector institutions to embrace and be a contributor to a pension scheme towards their retirement.

Source: Ben LARYEA

CLOGSAGHedge Pensions TrustMoney PickinPempamsie Fund
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