GPRTU Goes Digital: Union set to launch OYA APP

Ghana’s largest transport union, the Ghana Private Roads And Transport Union is set to launch its bus tracking and digital payment app- the OYA APP on Tuesday August 9, 2022.

The OYA APP will be the biggest technological reform introduced by the GPRTU in the last three decades of operations. Oya is in line with the Union’s vision providing safe transportation through digitalization.

According to a release copied to BusinessWeek, it noted that the app, primarily, will improve road safety, enhance passenger security, ensure convenience and motivate drivers. Specifically, the Oya App will bring solution to vehicle manifest database, digital payment of transport fares luggage tagging and ticket printing among others.

The app will also help passengers alert Over-speeding, report bad driving, call Emergency service. The launch which comes off Tuesday August 9 will be attended by transport minister, Hon Ofori Asiamah and other dignitaries from both public and privet sector.


GPRTU is the largest and arguably the oldest transport union in the country. It is trade union representing commercial drivers, porters, guards and commercial vehicle owners in Ghana.

The union has branches in all the 16 regions of Ghana and is a member of the Ghana Trades Union Congress. It was founded on 19 May 1967 in Accra. As the union represents both employees and business owners, it does not engage in collective negotiation.

However, it plays an important role in regulating working conditions, and gives financial assistance to members in need.

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