GLOWDEP joins in the global celebration of menstrual hygiene day in Central Tongu District

Global Menstrual Hygiene Day (MHD) is an annual awareness day on 28th May to highlight the importance of good menstrual hygiene management (MHM) at a Global level. It was initiated by the German – based NGO WASH United in 2014.

As part of the activities, GLOWDEP with support from one of its Board Members, Mrs. Augustina Addison (Private Nurse Practitioner based in London) organized Menstrual Hygiene Day with the Advocacy Team at the various school in the Central Tongu District.

There was a Menstrual Hygiene talk by Madam Agnes Nyarko (Public Health Nurse, Central Tongu District) with the school girls on the need to keep themselves neat and clean from bad odour during their menstrual cycle.

School children being excited after receiving their sanitary pads

There was demonstration on how to stick/ attach the pad to their pants and properly dispose their sanitary pads.

The event was successful as it advised the girl child to abstain from sexual intercourse which can lead to teenage pregnancy and encouraged them to take their education serious to become prominent and responsible people in the community and the society as a whole

It was successful because it was timely and there was so much need for it, as they received the items with enthusiasm.

Central Tongu DistrictGLOWDEPmenstrual hygiene day
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