Ghana Upstream Petroleum Chamber takes steps to fight coronavirus

In support of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Government of Ghana’s efforts to address the threat of COVID-19, the Ghana Upstream Petroleum Chamber (GUPC) is working with companies in the sector, to take precautionary measures to avoid the spread of the virus.
As the global death toll of the COVID 19 pandemic rises to more than 35,000, there is a growing concern about the virus’ impact on the oil and gas industry and the economy as a whole. A full procedural protocol has therefore been put in place by member companies to prevent and support treatment, should there be a case of an infection.
In a press release copied to, the Chamber acknowledged governments efforts to combat the novel virus and assured of its commitment to follow precautionary guidelines. Amongst other policies, offshore travel restrictions are being observed and many expatriate staff outside the country have deferred travel until a later date. Employees who have recently travelled from high risk areas of the world, are not allowed to travel offshore, regardless of whether they have symptoms or not. Those who have travelled from low risk countries are required to self-quarantine and seek medical advice if they have the symptoms.
Commenting on the situation, the CEO of the Chamber, David Ampofo said, “The government has taken the lead
with a host of measures including a 14-day quarantine for anyone entering the country and a two-week
shutdown of some major cities in Ghana. Clearly no effort is being spared to reduce the rate of transmission and
guarantee business continuity. The industry recognizes the urgency of the situation and is fully in support of the
government’s efforts. These are essential services as we are all dependent on the need for oil and gas to
continue to flow at this critical period. The operators and government are working together to ensure safety and
business continuity”.
GUPC indicated in the statement that anyone suspected of having an infection both offshore and onshore will be placed in immediate quarantine following the guidelines provided by the Government of Ghana and the respective company guidelines and safety measures. However, So far no one in the industry has tested positive for the virus and members of the Chamber are being urged to do all in their power to reduce the workforce’s risk of exposure.
The press release also stated that “To support the efforts laid forward by the government, and to protect staff, stakeholders and the communities we operate in, some companies have also implemented and activated their Emergency Response Plans and Business Continuity Plans. This means all non- essential and non-critical operational staff are working from home, or remotely”
The Upstream Chamber represents the shared interests of companies involved in oil and gas exploration and
production as well as oil field services in the country. The Chamber promotes, enhances and facilitates the growth
of the industry through networking, education, industry information and advocacy for a favourable business
environment. As the voice of the industry, the Chamber provides advocacy services to its members and helps them
navigate the regulatory framework.
The Chamber also offers a platform through which the industry can be reached by stakeholders from across the
economy, including local communities.
coronavirusGhana Upstream Petroleum Chamber
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