Ghana Chamber of Mines condemns attack at Golden Star Resources

Ghana Chamber of Mines condemns attack at Golden Star Resources

The Ghana Chamber of Mines condemns the attack on the Benso concession of Golden Star Resources (Wassa Mine) in the Western Region on Thursday 16th March 2023.

The attack, which has left several persons injured as well as destruction of property worth millions of Ghana Cedis, presents a growing state of insecurity for our fellow Ghanaians and other international citizens working at the mine, the larger mining industry, and the country.

The Chamber is greatly concerned about the upsurge in attacks on mines in the country and the increasingly hostile and violent acts of the perpetrators despite the presence of Police Officers at the mines. The attack has saddled the mine with huge and avoidable costs in the replacement of destroyed assets and creates a sense of insecurity for the workers of the mine, who are largely Ghanaians.

Mining is a catalyst for development and any attack on a mine is an attack on our national development. Recent events therefore detract from the government’s efforts to position the mining industry as a fulcrum of its economic recovery programme and preferred country of investments for both local and foreign investors.

The increasing case of copycat violent attacks on assets and people at the mines is a disappointing watershed in the history of the country. Since the hike in such attacks has coincided with an upsurge in terrorist-linked attacks at mines in other mining jurisdictions in the sub-region, the government must prioritize the security of the mines. This would not only reinforce the State’s role as a shareholder in all mining companies and owner of mineral resources but guarantee a conducive environment for mining operations to be conducted. We further wish to commend the Ghana Police Service for taking swift action to arrest the suspects. The Chamber hopes that prosecution will equally be swift.” CEO of Ghana Chamber of Mines, Dr. Sulemanu Koney.

On Thursday 16th March 2023 illegal small-scale miners set on fire some properties belonging to the Golden Star Wassa Mine at Benso in the Western Region. The illegal miners set 12 vehicles among other assets ablaze, including excavators, ambulances and pick-ups, forcing the staff of the company to run for their lives.

Ghana Chamber of MinesGolden Star ResourcesMining
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