Dr. Oscar Sam Ugoh joins the 2023 AICIS Planning Committee

Dr. Oscar Sam Ugoh, a renowned media personality in Ghana and Nigeria has been nominated by the Africa Business Ventures and Investment Group LLC (ABVIG), to join the Planning and Organizing Committee for the Africa Infrastructure, Climate Change, and Investment Summit (AICIS)+Exhibit, to be held in Washington DC, USA in 2023.

In a letter, ABVIG stated that his nomination to the Committee was based on his experience and contribution to media work and economic development in the sub-region.

Your nomination is based on your experience as a seasoned Media Specialist in Ghana that has contributed to Media work and Economic Development thereby increasing national development interest in the Africa sub-regional and international”, it stated.

Dr. Ugoh is expected to assist the Committee achieved it overall goal of hosting the summit successfully in Washington DC, USA. He is also to help make strategy input on the summit overall goal and suggest feasible project and activities the summit should undertake to contribute impact fully to the development of Africa.

He will also be assisting the summit in mobilizing the leadership of the Ghanaian government, and private sector and traditional and religious and civil societies participation in the summit. Dr. Ugoh will also be responsible for ensuring that the summit foster a positive working relationship with relevant government stakeholders of government including presidency and presidential parastatals and state governors to encourage their full participation.

Dr. Ugoh will also be providing supportive advice to the Convener/Chairman of the Planning Committee for strategic matters and decisions for a higher positive impact.

The African Infrastructure, Climate Change, and Investment Summit (AICIS) + Exhibit is a significant event taking place from September 5th -8th , 2023, at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, 2799 Richmond Hwy, Arlington, VA 22202, Washington DC.

The summit is being organised by the Africa Business Ventures and Investment Group LLC (ABVIG), in collaboration with various government agencies such as the US Department of Energy, the Federal Ministry of Industries, Trade and Investment, Nigeria, Ghana Ministry of Trade (MoT), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Office of the Senior Special Assistant & Economic Diversification, to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on Niger Delta Affairs.

The Summit aim is to bring together more than 1,500 participants including government officials, institutional investors, business executives, small business enterprises (SMEs), and project owners to exploit the investment and partnership opportunity in the more US$12 trillion business opportunity in the infrastructure, Green- energy transition and climate change, Space & Digital/AI technology Infrastructure in Africa. Development actors including NGOs, Diaspora, Multi- national and present a platform to assessment Africa economic and security infrastructure, identify new development partners and focusing on increasing and mobilizing development resources to contribute to Africa accelerated development mission by the US and other countries.

It will also provide trade development partnership and export opportunities between the US and Africa governments and private sector businesses.

Activities includes Summit opening ceremony, plenary session, breakout executive workshops on Africa Oil & Gas, Power/Electricity/Renewable Energy, Security, Africa Mining, Africa Trade & Investment/Import & Export promotion/Exhibition, Agriculture, IT/AI, Diaspora, Dinner and certificates and award presentation ceremony.

Oscar Sam Ugoh

Profile of Dr. Ugoh
Oscar Sam Ugoh,  Chief Executive of Blackgold Group, is an outstanding astute Entrepreneur, Politician and Media Mogul whose wealth of experience in business spans over two decades in the area of Strategic Communications and Developing Marketing.

He is a co-founder and Vice President, Pan African Business Forum (PABF) Johannesburg, South Africa. Publisher of the award winning Corporate Guardian magazine and BusinessWeek Africa Newspapers, winner, Peace and Security Conscious Personality and  also awarded the coveted Peace Ambassador Medal, by the Universal Peace Federation in 2016 and heads the Media for Peace Network, Ghana Chapter. He is the President of Institute for Policy and Strategy Development (a virtual University).

Oscar was educated at the Prestigious Kaduna Polytechnic and holder of LLB Law Degree from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana and Masters Degree in Peace, Security and Intelligence, University of Professional Studies, Accra.

He is the current President, The Colloquium House International, (Africa version of Chattam House, UK) a motivational and inspirational speaker in good standing on peace building and conflict management and resolution.

Oscar had held various leadership positions. He was elected Vice President, Law Students Union, Zenith University Chapter.

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