Breaking the Glass Ceiling: The Inspiring Journey of Nicholina Naayeye Adumoah in the Insurance Sector

Nicholina Naayeye Adumoah’s story begins in Osu, Accra, where she was born and raised, reflecting a strong connection to her roots and community. She started her educational journey within her neighborhood, eventually attending the University of Ghana Primary School and Labone Senior High School. Her formative years were marked by a focus and determination that would become the hallmark of her career.

Nicholina’s early encounters with adversity, particularly during a university strike, led her to pivot towards marketing and the Chartered Institute of Marketing UK. This decision was the first step on a path that would lead her into the insurance industry. Her dedication during this period was evident as she juggled studies and national service, demonstrating early on her capacity to handle multiple responsibilities effectively.

Her professional journey truly began at Donewell Insurance, where she was tasked with opening and growing a new branch. Nicholina embraced this challenge with zeal, moving from one success to another and eventually expanding the company’s reach by establishing satellite offices across Accra. Her ability to grow and manage teams became increasingly evident, showcasing her leadership skills and strategic thinking.

Nicholina’s career further evolved as she took on roles in different regions and companies, each time bringing her unique blend of leadership, insight, and innovation. Her work led her to significant positions, such as heading the Tema branch and overseeing operations in the Volta region, where she left a marked impact.

Beyond her professional achievements, Nicholina has shown a strong commitment to education and self-improvement, pursuing further studies even amidst financial challenges. This commitment extends beyond her personal development to her belief in mentorship and empowering others, particularly women in her industry.

Her role as president of the Chartered Insurance Ladies Association (CILAG) is a testament to her leadership and commitment to gender equality and professional development in the insurance sector. Nicholina’s story is also marked by her contributions to the community, including her involvement in Christian outreach programs, her role as a board chair for several organizations, and her participation in initiatives aimed at improving education and opportunities for underprivileged groups.

Nicholina’s journey reflects a blend of professional success and community service, underpinned by a continuous quest for self-improvement and empowerment. Her narrative is not just her own but serves as an inspiring example for women in the insurance sector and beyond, showcasing what can be achieved through hard work, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to making a positive impact.

This initiative is brought to you by GIZ’s Support to the Private and Financial Sector (PFS) programme. These interview series aims to empower young women in finance, promote gender equality and inclusivity, and encourage women to pursue leadership roles in their workplaces. The interviewer for this initiative is – Fatima Gberbie, Communications Specialist with PFS-GIZ Ghana.

GiZIWD 2024Nicholina Naayeye Adumoah
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