ASA Savings & Loans organises health screening at Techiman

As part of its annual corporate social responsibility (CSR), ASA Savings and Loans has organized a free medical screening at Techiman in the Bono East Region.

In all, about 200 people made up of predominantly market women and children received the screening which was administered by personnel from the Rafchik Hospital at Abesim near Sunyani.

The medical screening covered conditions including malaria, typhoid, eye test, blood sugar, blood group and pressure. The people with mild conditions were counselled and given free medications while those with severe conditions were advised to seek further treatment at major health facilities.

The exercise was carried out at the premises of Techiman-Kenten Business Centre of ASA Savings and Loans.

The Techiman Area Manager, ASA Savings and Loans, Seth Morgan Arhin, said the exercise was an importance step to give back to the customers of the company and the society at large, indicating that “promoting a healthy customer base and society is very critical to sustain and grow our business.”

It is against this backdrop that company has made free health screening a regular feature on our CSR calendar. Within the Techiman Area, this is the second exercise in 2022. Earlier this year, a similar exercise was organised at the Wenchi Business Centre and today’s activity will not be the last too,” he said.

A section of customers waiting for their turn

Besides, the company has also being awarding scholarships to brilliant but needy children of our customers as well as making donations to orphans. By the end of 2022, it is expected that the company would have impacted about 1,000 people through CSR the Techiman Area,” he added.

The beneficiaries of the health screening expressed profound gratitude to the Management of ASA Savings and Loans for prioritising their health. A 36-year-old grains and cereals seller, Rahinatu Mumin, said it was the first time she had received medical screening apart from going to hospital for maternal reasons.



ASA Savings & LoansTechiman
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