Abuakwa Arrest: QNET clears the air

The news of the arrest of some West African nationals has been brought to the attention of QNET. The company wishes to make the following clarifications:

We are aware of the matter pertaining to arrest of some West African nationals in Abuakwa and are currently investigating it. On receiving the information, we have acted swiftly in identifying 13 of the Independent Representatives (IRs) who were purportedly responsible and have blocked them from our system. Show-Cause notices have also been issued to the said individuals. We await their response, in parallel to our investigations, to decide on the future course of action. We have also appraised the relevant police authorities about the actions taken by us and are working closely with them to unravel the case.

Furthermore, none of those detained by the police are employees or agents of QNet. More importantly, anyone that markets our products unethically or contrary to local laws will be permanently banned from marketing our products in the future. Our business is built on supporting the entrepreneurial spirit in each of us.  We will not allow a few bad actors to ruin that for the hard work and dedication that has benefited so many of our law-abiding IRs.

It would also be pertinent to explain our business model here for the avoidance of any misunderstanding.

  • QNET is a direct selling company that offers a wide range of products in the area of health, wellness, lifestyle and education through an e-commerce platform. Our products are designed to help people live healthier and improve their lifestyle and livelihood.
  • QNET does not offer jobs, salaries or employment. However, we open the doors to any adult, who upon satisfying specific criteria, can become an IR and earn commissions on the sale of products to others. All IRs’ remuneration is based solely on the commissions earned through the sale of our products by themselves and/or their sales teams.
  • QNET’s business operates on an e-commerce platform. We do not house or rent apartments for IRs to conduct business. We provide our IRs with an online office to conduct this business. Any person of legal age who wishes to take up the opportunity offered by QNET can register on the platform easily using a computer or a mobile phone.
  • In addition, QNET’s Code of Conduct, and Policies and Procedures require all IRs to act in strict compliance with local laws and regulations in force. Any displacement of people from one country to another against these laws and regulations is strictly prohibited by QNET.
  • Any individual desirous of being an IR must agree to conduct his/her independent marketing activities in compliance with our company’s policies & procedures and applicable local laws. Additionally, QNET also provides regular training programs (both online and off-line), business tools, best practices, and ethical marketing guidelines (through the QNETPRO program) to our IRs to help them grow a successful business.

We vigorously condemn any activity by IRs that is not in compliance with the local laws and regulations of the countries they operate in. We also do not condone unprofessional marketing acts and if any IR is found culpable, they are liable to be terminated from selling the company’s products as we have done recently by terminating more than 400 IRs across the world for policy violations and professional misconducts.

We remain committed to the highest professional standards of the Direct Selling industry and compliant with local laws and regulations in every country we operate in.

AbuakwalifestylelivelihoodQNETWest Africa
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