101 Ghanaians Get Japanese JDS and ABE Initiative Scholarship

101 Ghanaians Get Japanese JDS and ABE Initiative Scholarship

The Chief Representative of the Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA, Mr. Araki Yasumichi and the Training Team of JICA Ghana hosted young promising Ghanaians who have been offered scholarships for this year’s batch of Master’s Degree and Internship Programs in some leading Japanese Universities.

They had a pre-departure debriefing session at the JICA Ghana Office, as an essential component of their trip. It forms part of the training activities to adequately prepare them on important topics including academic and student life, travel arrangements and some perspectives about studying in Japan. This is to ensure that their stay in Japan is fruitful, experential and productive.

These Ghanaian officials will receive specialized education and knowledge in the areas of governance, education, agriculture, health, industrial policy and others, and it will be pivotal to their personal professional development and the institutional capacity development of their various organisations.

Mr. ARAKI Yasumichi underscored the importance of human resource development and said the beneficiaries, aside from the main course, would also have the opportunity to learn about Japan’s modernization and development experiences.
He also expressed hope that the current crop of beneficiaries would return to take up leadership roles in Ghana and also enhance the bond of friendship and cooperation the two countries have shared over the decades.

At the 5th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V), held in Yokohama in 2013, the Japanese government stated its policy of strengthening support for Africa with stronger public-private partnerships and announced the “African Business Education Initiative for Youth, “ABE Initiative”, a strategic plan to provide youths in Africa with opportunities to study for Master’s degree at Japanese universities and experience internships at Japanese companies.

In Ghana, JICA implements the master’s degree and internship program within the ABE Initiative framework. Currently, a total of One Hundred and One (101) Ghanaians are in Japan under JICA’s Long-term Training Program that include the Human Resource Development Scholarship, JDS and the ABE Initiative.

ABE InitiativeAfrican DevelopmentARAKI YasumichiGhanaiansJapanese JDSScholarshipTICAD V
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