Agotime Traditional Area outdoors new Konor (Paramount Chief) – Nene Nuer Keteku IV


Ahead of the final traditional funeral rites of the late Konor (Paramount Chief) of Agotime Traditional Area – Nene Nuer Keteku III, the Akumase Clan of Kpetoe, led by its Paramount Stool Father, Zikpuitor Hayford Kwame Wayo, has outdoored Mr. Wisdom Lord Atsu Keteku, a 45-year-old Educationist as the new Konor of the Area. The enstoolment ceremony took place on Thursday November 4, 2021 at the forecourt of the immediate predecessor in line with the tradition and customs of the people.

The new Konor is an educationist. He holds a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Education Winneba, having earlier attended the Jasikan Training College where he trained as a Professional Teacher. Until his enstoolment, he was the Headmaster of Mawuli Basic “A” Complex School in Ho.

An official press statement signed by Elvis Ativoe, on behalf of the Agotime Traditional Area and Funeral Planning Committee, and issued shortly after the enstoolment ceremony said the new Konor, Wisdom Lord Atsu Keteku, who is now known as Nene Nuer Keteku IV is a royal and has gone through the necessary trainings in preparations for his role as the Konor.

“His enstoolment is thus timely as Agotime needed a strong, dynamic, and strategic leader to accelerate the pace of socio-economic development across the 37 Towns and Villages of Agotime, Ghana and Togo,” the statement noted.

In his maiden official speech, the new Konor pledged to unite Agotime, promote peace, facilitate development, and ensure justice for all.

“My work as Konor is simple – be your advocate, focus on our development and pursue actions that are tailored in those directions. As long as I am supported by you all, this becomes easier. I assure every citizen here that, any cake that may come to Agotime through our collective efforts shall be collectively enjoyed. No selfishness and discrimination at all,” he stated.

He is expected to work closely with his Council of Chiefs and Queen Mothers in the coming days to celebrate the life and legacies of his immediate predecessor, Nene Nuer Keteku III as he crosses over to his Ancestors.

There were loud jubilations and spontaneous cheers on the streets of Kpetoe on Thursday afternoon when the new Konor was introduced to the people, indicating that he has been accepted as the new traditional leader of the people.

Below is the full speech at his outdooring. Details on his coronation will be announced shortly.


Chiefs present and Elders present.

Diplomats present Identifiable groups present

Dignitaries present (Assemblymen etc.)  Neneme k3 Manyeme

Ladies and Gentlemen

All protocols observed.

Firstly, let us all observe one minutes silence for our departed Konor – Nene Nuer Keteku III.

May his soul R.I.P. Amen

May I use this opportunity to invite all citizens – home and abroad, well-wishers and sympathizers to come and join us send our departed Konor to his ancestors from Friday November 12 to Saturday November 21, 2021. He was the 3rd Konor on the throne from 1969 – 2020. He reigns for 51 years. Let us put our hands together for his memory.

Now, by way of introduction, I am Wisdom Lord Atsu Keteku. A son of Mr. Michael Lawoe. Keteku from Sotigorme Akumase – Kpetoe. My mother is Mary Tamakloe who hailed from Adzovie family of Anlo Afiadenyigba Kwashiorkor Yoxor Sakpaku Family.

By profession, I am a Headmaster of Mawuli Basic ‘ A’ School complex-Ho. I currently live in Ho, Volta Regional capital and I love the land of my birth Agotime Kpetoe.


I would like to appreciate the support of my family – Dad, Mum and Sibling. I do not forget Zikpuitor and elders of Sotigorme, Chiefs and the entire citizenry of Agotime, not forgetting my classmates, friends, youths and all well-wishers – God bless you all.

Nene me ke Manyeme! I would like to start my speech on the theme: “Uniting Agotime, Promoting Peace and Development.”

The battle of looking for a suitable candidate for the throne of Nene Nuer Keteku IV is over and Agotime is forever free.

The task ahead of us now is to build a peaceful traditional area. A society that focuses on the future of its generation. I therefore call on all and sundry to leave behind our differences for this enormous responsibilities.

The future generation will not forgive any individual or group of persons who want to thwart this effort. We have no justification to fail the people of Agotime agam.

For mine part, I bring on board sincere, dynamic, well-motivated and result oriented leadership that is based on consultative team building process.

The challenges that confront Agotime are enormous and I am not oblivious of them, from poor or nonexistent school and health infrastructure to lack of potable water. From bad road network to poor lay – out of our community.

From social vices to lack of discipline and drugs, from youth unemployment to poverty, from poor sanitation to communicable diseases, I can go on and on and on. When I look at our challenges, I cannot be, but position myself to be disciplined, strategic and truthful in order to surmount these challenges.

I therefore pledge my commitment to put a stop to corruption and bribery, encourage hard work and faithfulness among my people, employ an open – door  leadership where everybody – young and old, men and women, believers and non-believers to have a say in their own leadership direction.

My pre-occupation is to see a united front of Agotime where all citizens are     solidly behind their Traditional Leaders to achieve a common goal which is their development.

Any member of Agotime either individual or groups working against this objective will be declare an enemy of the land and shall be fought with every might and strength.

One of the legacies left behind by our late Konor and his compatriots is the most widely celebrated Kete. Thanks to the youth for putting up a structured roadmap in a document to address the difficulties after the celebration of Agbamevorza. The celebration of the festival must produce physical and spiritual results within Agotime. Citizens must see the benefits of the celebration and feel their collective investment into the Festival.

My fellow Citizens!

One of the major responsibilities of a traditional leader is to unite his subjects to bring about development to enhance the socio – economic life of the people.

This is what I stand for and would like to call on everyone to be sincere and truthful in our dealings, if it is black, we must not change it to be white just for our personal parochial gain.

Mamle must not be treated differently from Lawoe. There must be equal treatment for all to support and unite. Sitting on the fence and criticizing the efforts of few individuals is equally bad.

Nene me k3 Manye me, let us eschew divisiveness and discrimination. Let all hands be on deck to bring about the development we all aspire for.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let us unite to make happy the spirit of our forebears.

Let us live the UBUNTU life – Human for all – (I am because you are; you are because I am; you are because, we are!) UBUNTU for Development.

Our forebears pursued, developed and bequeathed to us a heritage that was handed to us by our ancestors – the prestigious Kente (Kete). Let us rally behind      this global icon – to see ourselves as one, develop it further and earn a decent living from it. Let us continue to make it international through the celebration of Agbamevorza and using a piece of it at every occasion whatsoever.

Let every child of Agotime be proud! Receive a re-birth and dream Agotime

Dream Agotime until Agotime dreams you? This goes especially to the youth.

Nene me k3 Manye me, I do not have much lofty words for you. I only want us to adopt the philosophical principle of the Zulu’s of South Africa UBUNTU – I am because you are! Humanity for all!

The benefits of my clarion call of unity cannot be lost on us.

If we are united, our market flooding can be solved.

If we are united, our schools can be improved.

If we are united, our health facility will be improved.

If we are united, our land can be healed.

We shall live happily, untimely death shall become a thing of the past; sickness shall be far away from us and we shall be forever happy.

‘You are because I am’ UBUNTU!

Let us use ‘Kente’ to be our rallying point.

Do you know that, the UN general assembly decorates their background with Kente?

Do you know that at matriculations and graduation ceremonies of Universities all over the world, their gowns are designed with Kente?

Do you know that world Leaders such as Bill Jefferson Clinton has a Kente cloth? Perhaps it was woven by Mr. Abba Hodor, or Israel Kporku or Thompson Avornyotse or any of us here. We are global citizens.

Let us be proud of this, unite and take on the world. Backbiting, mudslinging and gossiping cannot get us the result. Let us avoid them.

Togbewo! Mamawo! Let us think of how we will lobby our children also to get into GRA, for many of them are qualified but sitting at home. We too we deserve a better life. Agotime deserves better! I am calling everyone, the youth, Assemblymen, Politicians, educators to come on board. It is possible together.

My work as Konor is simple – be your advocate, focuses on our development and pursue actions that are tailored in those directions. As long as I am supported by you all, this becomes easier. I assure every citizen here that, any cake that may come to Agotime through our collective efforts shall be collectively enjoyed. No selfishness and discrimination at all.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let us not forget what Martin Luther King Junior said

“The richer we have become materially,

The poorer we become morally and spiritually. We have learned to fly in the air like birds

And swim in the river like fish, but we have not learned the simple act of living together as brothers”

Let us all live together and let love lead! Let us love and live! Through love we can conquer our most dangerous enemy – poverty.

Let us all fight this fight together

Leaders must lead trustfully Elders must keep admonishing Youth must keep working hard

Then God will be doing the blessings



Let peace prevail in Agotime Let our land be healed

Let love conquer our fears Let us live happily.

We have overcome through Christ Christ is our banner!

Victory is ours. Go out happily and spread the love! Dream Agotime, Let

Agotime dream you.

May he shine his face upon you and be gracious unto you. May he keep us safe always

Long live Agotime Long live the citizens

UBUNTU -you are: because I am!

God bless us All Amen!!!

By: Neneme Nuer Keteku IV

Konor Agotime Traditional Area

Thursday, November 4, 2021.




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