A photographer found a curious iceberg floating off the coast of Newfoundland in Canada, shaped almost exactly like a certain male reproductive organ.
Photographer Ken Pretty posted a picture of the penis-shaped-ice on his Facebook account on Friday, saying that he guessed that he would “get a few comments on this one.”
Sure enough, his comments were flooded with people cracking jokes about the structure. The post has amassed 2,000 likes and over 600 comments as of press time.
Took a piece off the Dicky Berg, stiffest drink I ever had,” one Facebook user commented, along with a photo edited to look like said iceberg was floating in a glass of alcohol.
“I thought cold water made them shrink,” said another.
Pretty told Insider that he used a drone to get a clearer image of the iceberg, which he estimates to be between 30 to 50 feet tall. He found it in Newfoundland’s Conception Bay.
“Looking from the land, it wasn’t quite clear,” Pretty told The Guardian. “But once I got the drone out there, it was unreal how much it looked like – well, you know.”
He added that people thought that his images were altered because the resemblance was so uncanny.
People don’t believe it’s real. They think it’s photoshopped and all that,” he told The Guardian. “I can tell you – it’s real.”
However, the iceberg no longer looks like a penis, the photographer said.
“The day after I took the picture, the ‘shape’ of interest collapsed, so I probably have the last ‘erect’ picture of it,” Pretty told Insider.
Pretty hails from the town of Dildo in Newfoundland, a fact that has added to the joke. The Toronto Star reported the story with the headline: “Dildo, N.L., man captures phallic iceberg in Conception Bay.”