Commodities traded mix in the month of October.
According to market analysis by Esoko, Millet traded at GHS 311.29 per bag representing a gain of 18.04%, followed by a bag of gari with a gain of 6.57% closing at GHS 246.79 per bag.
Soya also made a gain of 6.40% to close at GHS 313.43 with pona also gaining 6.01% to close at GHS 787.50.
Local rice made a gain of 3.27% to close at GHS 387.43 per bag with maize making a marginal gain of 0.2 % to close at GHS 154.17 per bag.
Commodities that dropped in price included tomato with a decrease of 15.63% to close at GHS 293.75 per crate.
Groundnut also dropped 3.14% to close at GHS 527.34 per bag. Imported rice lost 2.91% to close at GHS 400.75 per bag with cowpea also losing 1.87% to close at GHS 468.20 per bag. Cassava lost a 1% to close at GHS 140.
The average price for a bag of maize gained 0.20 percent to close the month at GHS 154.17. The highest price of GHS200 was recorded at Dambai. The lowest price of GHS 118.00 was recorded at Bawku.
The average price for a bag of local rice gained 3.27 percent to close the month at GHS 363.57. The highest price GHS 500 was recorded at Dambai and the lowest price, GHS 290.00 was recorded at Takoradi.
A crate of tomato lost 15.63 percent to close the month at GHS 293.75. The highest price GHS 380 was recorded at Takoradi and the lowest price of GHS 150.00 recorded at Kumasi.