Star Ghana Foundation Empowers Women In Poultry Value Chain Economically


The Apex Body of Women in Poultry Value Chain (WIPVaC-Apex Ghana) has received support from Star Ghana Foundation under the Action for Voice and Inclusive Development (AVID) project. This project seeks to foster strong relationship between Community Animal Health Workers (CAHW) and Veterinary Officers to provide desired services to the Poultry Value Chain actors.

As part of the activities for the project, several activities were carried out including:

  • Stakeholder Mobilization and Engagement Meeting with Veterinary Service Directorate (VSD), Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWs) and beneficiaries including people with disabilities to understand and collaborate for a good impact. The activity strengthened the relationship between these institutions through the delineation of their roles and action plans towards provision of good animal health service and observing the Biosecurity Certification guidelines.
  • Training on Financial Literacy and Strengthening of Entrepreneurship Savings and Loans Group (ESLG) For Financial Sustainability which emphasized the need to keep accurate and up to date records to ensure good documentation for running their businesses (income and expenditure, cash flow etc) and manage finances to avoid taking loans from banks.
WIPVaC-Apex Ghana, Star Ghana, Empowerment,
Cross section of participants of financial training (Cape Coast session)
  • Training on Entrepreneurship Savings and Loans Group (ESLG) For Financial Sustainability in three targeted regions (Savannah, North East and Eastern). These poultry value chain actors discovered their saving potentials and saw it as a form of financial empowerment to improve upon their farms, businesses and also invest in other Income Generating activities thereby improving upon their livelihood. The scheme had contributed to the achievement of SDGs Goals 1(No Poverty), 2 (Zero Hunger), 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), 4 (Quality Education) and 5 (Gender Equality and Empowerment).
WIPVaC-Apex Ghana, Star Ghana, Empowerment,
ESLG Training session in Savannah Region (Walewale)


These trainings highlighted the benefit of Entrepreneurship Savings and Loans Groups as a long-term financing source for Agribusiness and Livestock value chain actors and sensitization of more farmers across the country on the Biosecurity Certification regulations.

Group photograph of participants at the Financial Literacy Training-Accra session


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