Fred Asante Takes Over As New District Rotaract Representative (DRR) For Rotaract District 9102 For Rotary Year 2022/2023


Rotaract District 9102 (comprising of Ghana, Togo, Benin and Niger) has held its handing over ceremony and dinner night at the Tema Rotary Center, Ghana on Saturday 9th July, 2022.

The event was mainly to hand over the leadership chain of command from the outgoing District Rotaract Representative Eric De Souza from Benin to the new Rotaract District Representative Fred Asante from Ghana. Also, the Rotaract National Office together with some twelve other clubs in Ghana had the opportunity to have their handing over at the ceremony.

The event was attended by Rotaractors across the district together with some District Rotary Leaders including the District Governor Victor Yaw Asante, District Governor Nominee Dave Amankwah and District Rotaract Chair Kwame Baah-Acheamfour and supported by the Rotary Club of Tema led by Rotarian Immediate Past President Christiana Adams and the current Rotarian President Robert.

The Twelve Rotaract clubs in Ghana that handed over their mandates to new club presidents were the Rotaract Club of Tema, Tema Meridian, Aflao, University of Ghana, Ho, Kumasi, E-club of One world, Accra Adabraka, Accra Osu-RE, E-Club of One World, Accra-East and Accra-East Legon.

A welcome address was given by District Coordinator, PP Elisha T.Joseph and a goodwill message by Rotary Club of Tema representative, IPP Christiana Adams, congratulating all new Rotaract Leaders who would be handed the baton of leadership.

She commended the incoming District Rotaract Representative(DRR) for his yeoman’s job at recruiting and inducting 13 new members into an initially dead club.

“To all incoming leaders, your role in this Rotary year marks a new chapter of the story of Rotaract in our district as principal authors” She said.

She said Rotary Club of Tema was always ready and available to be of great help in ensuring a successful tenure, adding that a network of Rotarians and Rotaractors were ready to assist in the leadership journey.

District Governor Victor Asante in his address, urged the new leadership to dream and execute projects that would turn communities into better places.
He congratulated the outgone DRR for the good work done during his tenure and admonished all to pay their dues for results-oriented hardwork and fun in the end.

In his message, the District Rotaract Chair PP K.B Acheamfour urged the new leadership to be ready to partner counterparts knowing that it is a year of collaboration to source for international funds to do big projects.

Fred Asante Takes Over As New District Rotaract Representative (DRR) For Rotaract District 9102 For Rotary Year 2022/2023

About the DRR

Fred Asante is a Business Development Expert and an Entrepreneur (CEO of Kwez Kase Kollection, a suit and fashion hub). He is a member of the Rotaract Club of Accra Labone and has been a Rotaract Club member since 2013. He has been a club advisor for many Rotaract Clubs including the Rotaract Club of Tema, Accra-Labone, St.Luois College of Education, Accra-La East and the Club of St. Martines Sunrise in the Caribbean. He’s serves as the International Relations Director for Rotaract Ghana and a District Coordinator and DTAC Chair for District 9102. Aside having love to serve humanity, he also got interest in Tennis Ball.

Fred Asante is a proud product of Adisadel College, Cape Coast.

In his acceptance speech as DRR, Fred Asante said he was grateful to serve as the 10th District Rotaract Representative for the district in the 2022/23 Rotary year.

He said the 2022/23 Rotary year is a year to fearlessly dream and do more as mandated by District Governor Victor Yaw Asante.

“My leadership is envisioned to revive the presence, energy and gusto of Rotaract Clubs and its members through direct club engagement, impactful training and joint Rotaract activities”, he said.

He said his agenda is to revive and empower clubs while helping to tell a story of togetherness within Rotaract to the world.

He therefore urged Rotary Clubs to support the District Rotaract Leadership by fully paying District Dues and Project Levies to help materialize the vision and sponsor Rotaractors to function which will help equip them into successful leadership.

He urged his fellow Rotaractors to take advantage of the elevated Rotaract status to correct wrong ways of doing things and demonstrate the quality youthful leadership that Rotary seeks.

Speaking of the district in the 2021/22 year, IPDRR Eric De Souza said among the project carried out by his team in the reviewing year include a convoy for peace, construction of a food storage facility and a school canteen at a primary school in Benin, a hybrid conference on the promotion of peace and the fight against conflicts in the world.
During this year, he said the number of Rotaract Clubs increased from 75 to 80.

The were awards to climax the event. The overall best Rotaract club in Ghana for the year 2021/22 was Rotaract Club of Tema Meridian and the Overall Best Rotaractor in Ghana for the 2021/2022 year was Rotaractor Olive Naa Asheley Addo from the Rotaract Club of Accra-East Legon. Rotaract Club of Tema also received a citation for their membership growth improvement and innovative club leadership.

In the closing remarks, Rotaractor Vanessa Addai (District Secretary) appreciated all outgone leaders for their effort and immense contribution to Rotaract and urged the incoming leaders to possibly outdo their predecessors.

This event was greatly organised by a team led by Rotaractor Elisha T Joseph and Kingdom Kededor Avisseh and decorated by Liss Event

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